2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
5th place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
2nd place fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
3rd place
3rd place
3rd place
32nd POLISH NATIONAL ARABIAN HORSE SHOW Janów Podlaski 6 - 8th of August 2010
5th place
​BINT MATIS ​(WH Justice/KP Bint ​Malikah El Nil )
3 year old colst
4th place
​WARMA ​(QR Marc/Waresa) yearling fillies
​4th place
​GEMELLIA (Piber/Georgia) 4-6 old mares
​​2nd place​​​​
​EMARC (QR Marc/Eksterna) ​yearling colts
Photos: www.ErwinEscher.com​
3rd place
​PERTISA ​(WH Justice/Pernacja) 2 years old fillies
5th place
EMARC ​(QR Marc/Eksterna) yearling colts
3rd place
EMLAHABA ​(Al Lahab/Emanta) 2 years old fillies​​
4th place
GEMELLIA ​(Piber/Georgia) 4-6 old mares​​​
2nd place
WASA ​(WH Justice/Waresa) 4-6 old mares​
PRAGUE INTERCUP Prague 4 - 5th of September 2010
Photos: www.ErwinEscher.com​
2nd place
EMARC ​(QR Marc/Eksterna) yearling colts​
5th place
EMLAHABA ​(Al Lahab/Emanta) 2 years old fillies​​
28th ALL NATIONS CUP Aachen 25 - 26th of September 2010
5th place fot. Daria G.
5th place fot. Daria G.
fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
5th place fot. Daria G.
5th place
EMARC ​(QR Marc/Eksterna) yearling colts​
​​​​​Poland once again won the All Nation Cup
awarded for the best performance on the show,
and put forward the same to the fore the global ranking.
Polish victory is a huge success for national​ and private studs.
EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Moorsele 30 - 31st of October 2010
4th place fot. Daria G.
4th place fot. Daria G.
fot. www.ErwinEscher.com
4th place fot. Daria G.
4th place
​PERTISA ​(WH Justice/Pernacja) 2 years old fillies
5th place
WASA ​(WH Justice/Waresa) 4-5 old mares​
Photos: www.ErwinEscher.com​
Photos: www.ErwinEscher.com​